How does shipping and delivery work?
Once you place your order, we'll carefully prepare and pack it within 48 hours. We work with trusted couriers (like UPS, FedEx and LTL) to ensure your order reaches you within 3-4 business days, depending on your location.


Do you provide international delivery?

Unfortunately, we do not ship outside of the USA at this time.


How can I track my order?
Celebrate, your order is on its way! We'll send a shipping confirmation email with a tracking link as soon as it's dispatched.


Can I change my shipping address?
If your order hasn't been shipped, you can update the address. If it's already shipped it's no longer possible.


How much does the delivery cost?

 Orders for free delivery when you spend more than $250*. For order prices below $250* we charge $??


What if my order is lost or hasn't been delivered?
If your order doesn't arrive within 7 days, contact us for assistance. Please note, once shipped, the courier is responsible for the delivery.


Are your items kept in stock?

Yes, all items listed in our store are readily available in our inventory, ensuring swift delivery.


Is an account required to make purchases on your website?

No account creation is necessary; you can conveniently checkout as a guest.


Is it secure to provide my payment information on your website?

Rest assured, our website employs top-tier payment gateway providers, ensuring the security of your banking and card details throughout the transaction process.


Encountering issues with placing an order?

If you need help, please feel free to contact our customer support team on 770-941-3030 or


Are my personal details safeguarded on your website?

Absolutely, we prioritize the protection of your personal information and uphold strict privacy standards.


Can I exchange or return an item?

We do accept exchanges and they follow the same conditions as returns:

  • The item must have been sold on our online store.
  • The item shouldn’t have been used in any way.
  • The item should be in its original packaging with all the tags etc.
  • The return or exchange request is made within 30 days of delivery.

To request an exchange, please submit your request via the “Contact Us” form. A member of our support staff shall respond as soon as possible.